The most frequent questions and answers

The crystallization of honey is a completely normal state and depends on the sugar content of honey. Honey never loses its properties. In case it crystallizes just heat it in a pot and wait for it to come to room temperature. In no case do not heat the honey above 35 degrees because it loses a significant percentage of its nutrients.

Unpasteurized honey should be consumed within 2 years from the time the package is opened.

Consumption of honey by infants is prohibited until the age of 12 months to avoid the occurrence of botulism. Contact your child’s pediatrician for more information.

Even for a diabetic, consuming honey in moderation can be beneficial and not at all harmful. Contact your doctor for more information.

One teaspoon has about 15-25 calories.

If we consider that in order to produce 1 kg of honey, bees need access to millions of flowers for the necessary collection of pollen & nectar and we also take into account that a part of it will be used for the needs of the bee, then it is estimated that about 14,000 bees are needed!
Yes, honey mixed with hot water consumed on a daily basis can cleanse the blood and help eliminate excess fat stored in the tissues.
Raw honey is natural, unpasteurized honey, without the addition or removal of any ingredient. It is what is produced in the hive by bees. It is ready for consumption after it has been extracted from the hive and filtered through a fine sieve that helps to remove any foreign particles that remain during the harvesting process (such as bees, wax, etc.). Raw honey is not pasteurized, modified or altered in any way before being packaged and sold.